Saturday, November 15, 2014

Turning the Page

I know it's been a long time--nearly a year--since my last post, but I never wanted this blog to be a mundane account of day-to-day events.  When I look back to the beginning, the posts were fast and furious (38 the first year), but became less frequent over time (eight last year).  I suppose that as I began to heal and adjust to my new life, I didn’t feel as much of a need for an outlet.   

So, let me catch you up! I started a new job on July 1st.  Another major development: anticipating my new job, I gave myself a three week deadline before my start date to get Bunny’s former office cleaned out and turn it into my new home office.  Gawd!  That was a massive undertaking!  Every evening after work, I’d head in with boxes and garbage bags, ruthless in my disposal efforts.  My mother would have been so proud!

The Salvation Army came by once, a trash hauler came by twice, and 50+ bankers’ boxes of books, several large containers of charitable donations, and 70 contractor’s clean-up bags on, I conquered the room that I’d avoided for so long.  Within a week’s time, I painted the walls, laid a new floor, and redecorated it just the way I wanted it.  


So, after much angst and several false starts, I made the room my own.  Of course, there were moments of sadness.  I would find notes Bunny had scribbled or photos he’d hoarded, and I would melt with sorrow that he’d been so sentimental.  Then I’d inevitably find a pile of grocery store receipts from 2006 and snap out of my tears.  I don’t use the room nearly as much as I’d like, but redoing it was a necessary and important step to moving on.

The drawbacks of my new job: I don’t get to see my beloved Atlanta friends anymore, and the commute to downtown Tampa. The county’s infrastructure just wasn't meant to handle the amount of traffic that goes from the extreme north of the county into town every day. Before school started, the issue wasn’t so noticeable, but since then, I’ve been spending a minimum of 45 minutes on the road every morning.  Anyone who’s ever ridden shotgun with me can just imagine how much I love bumper-to-bumper traffic. NOT!

I wanted to get a condo when we bought this house, a little over 13 years ago. Bunny, however, liked having a house with a yard, even though he never ventured into it. One of his arguments was that the resale value on a house was better than with a condo.  He also chose the subdivision where we lived, which is well-known in the Tampa area, but is fairly remote.   Bunny worked in St. Petersburg—well over an hour’s drive, each way.  He didn’t mind the long commute, though, because he was a big fan of audio books.  Occasionally, he would mention something he’d “read,” and I’d tease him that audiobooks didn’t count as reading, because even the cats could claim to have read something that way.

After my first year as a Wideaux, I decided I needed to be closer to civilization.  My plan was to find a new job, then work there six months before I started looking for a condo nearby.  My distaste for the traffic situation expedited my timeline: I was condo-hunting by mid-September.  After several weekends of searching and negotiating on two that didn’t pan out, the third condo I put an offer on will be mine just before Thanksgiving.  With some luck (and a little remodeling), I should be moving downtown by the end of the year.

No news on the dating front, but hopefully that situation will improve once I move. It's too hard (for me, anyway) to find single men in the suburbs. My last foray into online dating was such a disaster that I abandoned it within about 10 days. For now, I’m focused on my career, my granddaughters, and my move.   The girls are growing so fast, it’s hard to keep up with them sometimes.  Trinity and I talk about Bunny often, and I think it helps us both to keep his memory alive.  I feel sorry for Sarita that she won’t be able to remember what a loving grandfather she lost.

My plans to move haven’t been all sunshine and roses: my excitement has been tempered by sudden fits of crying.  I suppose it’s natural to feel torn about moving.  After all, this was the last house Bunny and I bought together, and the last house he lived in.  We had many wonderful times here, and, towards the end, some very sad and difficult days.  I expect there will be more tears before it’s all said and done, especially since I’ve hit the dreaded winter months.  In the end, though, the move will be good for me.  Plus, I’ll have more new things to write about! 


  1. Great post Liz. Every day is a new day and you prove that. I am in awe of your strength to make plans and your energy to see those plans through.

  2. I love your new room and you are so brave. I am praying your move goes great. Love ya cuz

  3. Thank you so much, Cuz! Love you, too!!
